Saturday, November 17, 2007

Student Loan Debt Consolidation

By Nelson Smith

If you are a Student with a number of Debts from different sources and are having difficulty keeping on top of all your various repayments, then student loan debt consolidation could be for you.

Before you make that decision however, it is advisable to understand the different routes of student debt consolidation and how they could benefit or harm you.

What exactly is Student Loan Debt Consolidation?

Consolidating your existing debts is a way of being able to manage your finances more efficiently. The facts are that students generally need to take out more than one loan in order to complete their education and their ability to meet their multiple loan payments becomes increasingly more difficult.

By consolidating your Student Loans, you are able to keep track and maintain just one monthly payment each and every month. You know exactly what you are paying out and when. No more worries about missing a payment or going overdrawn at the bank because you were unsure of what amounts were going out and when.

What are the benefits and pitfalls of a Student Debt Consolidation Loan?


Well, as a student, the biggest benefit of all has to be the low interest rates offered. A Student Debt Consolidation Loan does not incur any additional fees unlike private debt consolidation loans. This is due to the fact that subsidies are paid by the government to the lender. Also, Student loan consolidation can be beneficial to students' long term credit rating. This is really important as it will impact on your life way past your school days.


The initial euforia of consolidating your debts can wain over the years. This type of loan is typically spread over a much longer period of time than other loans due to the fact of lowering the monthly payment. Because of the length of the loan, you will also be paying back more interest over that period of time.

The other important factor that needs consideration is the temptation to add to the debt when your payments are lower. Debt is often like being on a merry-go-round. You have debt. You get a loan to pay it off. You incur more debt. You get a bigger loan to pay that debt and the initial loan, and it goes on and on and on... At some point you need to get off the ride and deal with the debt you already have.

Overall Considerations

Lower monthly repayments will certainly help you free up some well needed cash. One monthly payment will certainly help you manage and keep a tighter rein on your finances. You will also have the benefits of flexible repayments as a student.

You will be entitled to a lower interest rate than the private sector offering debt consolidation loans. You can improve your overall credit score with student loan debt consolidation. This will set you up for a great financial future.

For more advice and information on Student Loan Debt Consolidation, Student Loans, Federal Loans and Stafford Loans, visit
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Debt Consolidation Home Equity Loan

By Alex Tran

Everyone knows that owning a home is the American dream. Of course, the opposite of a dream is a nightmare that many Americans deal with in the form of debt.

Chances are most people drowning in debt probably own their own home. There are also many who don't own homes yet still fall into it because of credit card purchases and irresponsible stewardship of their finances.

But for the homeowner struggling with debt, their home, one of the payments they must make every month, can also be something than can save them. By refinancing their home, people can tap into equity in the residence and used the money for a debt consolidation home equity loan.
They can be beneficial for several reasons:

• A debt consolidation home equity loan can help reduce or eliminate altogether other debts such as automobile payments, credit card charges, student loans, etc.

• A debt consolidation home equity loan can combine all payments into one monthly bill, thus making the process of meeting financial obligations easier for those who struggle with it.

• A debt consolidation home equity loan may be the best and quickest way to get your financial house back in order. It is also essential for repairing your credit rating.

• Assuming you learn responsibility of taking out a debt consolidation home equity loan, you will most likely be free of finance charges and late payments - the proverbial salt in the wounds of those in debt.

Exploring the practicality of taking out a consolidation home equity loan can assist the consumer who has allowed them self to fall into financial difficulty through addressing issues such as:

1. Whether a consolidation home equity loan is best. The words "debt consolidation" are heard often, but it may not be in everyone's best interest. Just as with investment and other financial issues, it may not be the best plan for some individuals and seeking the services a management company can help with making that determination.

2. It's also important to consider if a home equity loan can offer a solution you can live with.

3. Taking out a home equity loan can help in realizing out the long-term financial problems can have on an individual's credit rating. Just as any medical problem only worsens untreated, the individual who is inattentive to his ailing financial health is only setting himself up for greater problems in the future.

Let's go back to the issue of debt consolidation and ask if a debt consolidation home equity loan is something you can live with in the first place? The answer is simple if you, through personal introspection or the advice of a professional, have determined that debt is overwhelming you, and then debt consolidation can put you on the way back to financial recovery.

They should also take into account finding a bank you can work with.

A debt consolidation home equity may not be the right solution for everyone, but you will never know if it's the right solution until you take the time to educate yourself.

How would you like free education, tips, and advice on how to create cash flow, get rid of bad debt, convert cash flow into wealth, and the real secret -- how to create more time for what you love? The Karma of Success web site is full of resources on top debt consolidation loan and every aspect of becoming successful by taking action towards reaching your goals. We teach how how to play good defense and great offense so that you can win the game of life. You will get free instant access to all the resources by visiting
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Get the Greatest Advice on Debt Consolidation

By Alan Lim

Know the basics

It is important to understand the whole notion behind debt consolidation. It is not a mean of eliminating your debt. Rather, this means taking out a greater loan in order to pay off either smaller or multiple. In short, you are still into debts, but in a consolidated manner. Most debtors will prefer this option because it is a means of keeping track of their credit record. Multiple and smaller ones are difficult to deal with. At times, the holder may forget about these. The outcome will be an increment in debt due to multiple fines or penalties.

Accept your plight

A successful strategy should start by you accepting the fact that you are actually facing extreme difficulties trying to pay off these debts. Keep in mind that knowing the problem can be half way solving the problem. Most people fail to accept that this is a big problem to them. If you are in serious conditions but you do not think it possible to turn to debt consolidation, it may be possible you seek the help of a finance consultant. Avoid putting yourself into more peril.

Get only what is required

It should be only for the purpose of settling off smaller and/ or multiple debts. Your finances are already negative and you should not do anything to further worsen your plight. Thus, take out only the required amount. Forget about thinking that an extra amount from a loan might put you again on track. Mistakes have never been a bad thing. What is bad is the failure to recognize your mistake or the inability to correct your errors. This is pride which you manifested before you fell. And this might still be the cause of your bankruptcy.

Make a decision

This is a chronic occurrence in the lives of most people. No matter what happens, you may still fall into debts. We live in a world where finances play a key role in every decision that we take. If your livelihood depends on the decisions you make, it is recommended you take a sound and lasting decision. Determination is the key to success. If you look at debt consolidation as the last resort, be determined that this is really the last opportunity of getting into debt. Take note that failing to manage this opportunity may mean your credibility for a subsequent consolidation will be based on a doubtful footing.

Are you looking for a way to live a debt free life? If yes, log in to Debt Consolidation now to take a lasting decision aimed at defeating your debts.
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